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"Mapping Möbius"

Peter Schmitz (Möbius), Jeanne Lauren Smith (his young assistant) and ensemble.

"Mapping Möbius" by Colm O’Shea, Marie Glancy O’Shea & Ildiko Nemeth
Directed by Ildiko Nemeth
Choreography by Julie Atlas Muz
La MaMa E.T.C., 74a East 4th Street
Box office 212-475-7710; www.lamama.org
Reviewed Dec. 3, 2010 by Larry Litt

A white room where a scientist and his assistant are going mad trying to understand the nature of the universe. For every action there’s a reaction then another reaction, then another, and another and another until the chain reaction of ‘anothers’ explodes in your over educated, logical, enlightened head.

Ensemble of " Mapping Möbius" as plankton. Photo by Bobae Kim.

Amoebae enter, wearing white like the scientist and assistant, happily dancing their way to sunlight, free to indulge in life’s most primitive sensuality. But stop! Along comes a whale who easily sucks them all into his giant maw. No resistance, no rebellion, no escape. Lives ended in nature’s grand restaurant. Is it cruel? Is it unfair? Can creatures coexist without becoming dinner? What does it all mean?

During this evening of impending madness dinosaur bones come to tell their stories, ant colonies try their hand at democrat politics and bees dream of a utopian workers’ world where they are never subject to a queen.

This fast moving, beautifully written performance piece incorporates high energy dance, music and video imagery showing a broad world where studying science has its own dangerous potential unless there’s a human element to keep control of heightened disabling emotions.

Peter Schmitz (center, Möbius) and ensemble.

Let me add that Law and Religion add to Science’s problems by using emotion to question belief in observation without Faith. A play with this many abstracts based on the work of famed 18th century scientist August Ferdinand Moebius has something for everyone interested in how the world works when you know too much.

Excellent acting by the Scientist and his Assistant as well as Religion/Law. Julie Atlas Muz’ choreography told the story of never ending movement in many simultaneously seen and unseen worlds. Ildiko Nemeth has once again turned Science into highly entertaining and dramatic theater.


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