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Brandon Judell
V for Vendetta
"People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people" is the pivotal statement of "V for Vendetta."
Although based on the 1989 graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd, the film is every bit as timely as that under scroll of info bombarding the lowers parts of our sets when tuned to CNN.
Here is futuristic celluloid warning that America's and Britain's governments are on a baneful path toward totalitarianism. How? By manipulating events that will create a fervid fear in the populace, a terror so clearly daunting that citizens will beg to have their own freedoms jettisoned. Code red, anyone? "V for Vendetta" is clearly meant to take more than a few swipes at the current Bush and Blair administrations, plus our beloved Homeland Security policies.
The tale revolves around Evey (Portman), a young lass who does menial tasks at a TV station. One night after curfew, while on her way to a date with one of her higher-ups, she is threatened with rape by a pair of local constable-types. Just in time, a masked man comes to her rescue. Although Batman wouldn't have seemed out of place, this gent is V (Weaving).
V is a revolutionary, a terrorist by government standards, and a lover of old Hollywood film fare from which he learns to fence. This chance encounter slowly transforms Evie from a cautious female into a hardened insurgent.
Cast with a vanload of top British actors (Ms. Portman being the exception), "V for Vendetta" is a sensationally directed, edited, scored, written, and acted look at our impending tomorrows.
Bristling with ideas, I have no doubt that with each new viewing you'll come away with a new notion about what this endeavor is all about.
Not unlike "Gattaca" and "Dark City," V for Vendetta" will assuredly bomb its way into a thinking man's cult film status.
Director: James McTeigue
Writers: Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski
Original Music by Dario Marianelli
Cast: Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, Rupert Graves, Emma Field-Rayner, Antje RauCopyright © Brandon Judell 2006
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