Report for The Denver New Play
Summit of February 2012
Kent Thompson
is a Genius!
Last season, he staged
one of the best Midsummer Night's Dreams Your Arts Reporter
has ever seen.
[I have seen a lot,
having also edited the Official Royal Shakespeare Company Production
Book of the Peter Brook Midsummer Night's Dream…]
This season--perhaps
as a kind of Classical Prelude to the New Play Summit--Kent
Thompson exceeded himself, with a 1950s Vision of
The Taming of the Shrew!
Before coming to Denver--to
Oversee & Program some four or five Performance
Spaces of the Denver Theatre Center--he had already earned
his Shakespearean Spurs at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival…
Not only is Kent a kind
of Genius in what he has been able to cast & create
in the vast Cultural Complex in Downtown Denver, but he
also demonstrates repeatedly an Affinity for the Bard--or
Chris Marlowe--that seems Unique.
He is not Peter Brook.
He is not Joe Papp--who,
in any case, was not a very good Director, but an
excellent Manager & Fund Raiser & All
Purpose Visionary…
Frankly, after such
Management Disasters at the Public Theatre as the
Tenures of Joanne Akalaitis & Geo. C. Wolfe,
it would be refreshing to have Kent Thompson infuse New Blood
into the New York Shakespeare Festival.
But, for Starters,
how about the MacArthur Foundation giving Kent one of those
Genius Grants?
Last year--February
2011--Your Roving Arts Reporter did a Video Interview with
Kent, discussing the Magic he invoked in his remarkable
staging of Midsummer Night's Dream.
This year--February
2012--we spoke again.
But this time, not only
about his delightful Shrew--Petruchio & Kate
riding off on a Motorcycle!--but also about the Epic
Demands of operating the Denver Theatre Center.
•Poodle Skirts
& Blue Jeans: A 1950s Shrew Taming That Should Be More
Widely Seen!
When the Establishing
Shot of the Denver Center's new Shrew turned up on
its Website--an obviously Cowboy Petruchio with
a Wild West Kate on his back--this image reminded Your
Arts Reporter of the Wild West Shrew that Charles
McCalley staged long, long ago, at the Globe of the Great
Southwest, in Odessa, TX…
Since that Epic Adventure
in Updating Shakespeare, Mantua & Padua
have occasionally been relocated to Western American Sites
in Utah, Arizona, & New Mexico.
But that's not quite
what Kent Thompson had in mind for his 1950s Shrew.
In fact, he now believes
it was a mistake to present a Photo Image of Kate
& Petruchio in Western Garb, for that's not
what his Shrew is really about.
Instead, this is a Shrew
that takes place in a Post Art Deco, Post World War
II, Rise of the Middle Class, White Picket Fence,
Dick Powell/June Allyson All American World of Possibilities…
At either side of an
All Purpose Unit Set--with a clever Interior Revolve!--are
1950s Billboards, featuring Ads in Arrow Collar
Style for Products that bear the names of Characters &
Places in Shakespeare's Plays!
Behind the Upper
Level--an All Purpose Street--is an immense Map
of what looks very much like The United States.
But the Place Names are All Wrong!
Mantua & Padua
are now in the Wrong Places.
Even odder, Rheims--which
is only mentioned as the City in which a Putative Young
Tutor studied--is sited on the map where Boston & Harvard
should be…
Whenever any Italian
City is named, the Letters Light Up on the Map!
In Thompson's Shakespeare
for a New Generation production, Baptista Minola [Robert
Sicular] is operating an Upscale Taverna in Padua.
Kate [the vibrant, electric Kathleen McCall] is
in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.
Her pretty, pouty, spoiled
Younger Sister, Bianca [Christy McIntosh], is strolling
about, Breaking Hearts, in a Poodle Skirt &
not a care in the world, as they used to say…
[Centuries ago, when
I was a Theatre Major at UC/Berkeley, a teen ager
named Bob Sicular was a handsome young actor. Anderson
Cooper's dad, Wyatt Cooper, was also one of our
Band of Young Hopefuls… Wyatt is long dead. I am
almost dead. Maybe this Sicular is Bob's son?]
As the Dowry Seeking
Petruchio--Money Mends All Matters--John G. Preston
has even more Magnetism than that other now almost mythic
Preston, Robert. [Not to be confused with
Preston Sturgis…]
In the Shrew
Program, my old friend & colleague, Danny Sullivan
[I was once a NYC Theatre "Stringer" for Dan, when he was
Drama Critic for the LA Times…] suggests that we
do not want to see the Comedy as a Study in Conflict
"We want to see two
crazy people going over the top…"
All the Principals
are admirable, but what is especially appealing
is the way in which Kent Thompson--working ingeniously
with his actors--has helped them develop Major Mini Dramas,
when describing an important Off Stage Event.
Instead of taking up
valuable Stage Time with actually showing Kate &
Petruchio on Horseback, a Minor Character turns
this description into a Whirling Dervish of a Performance.
Because these Turns
are not merely a matter of making the Lines Come to
Life, but also of making the Actor's Face, Body,
& Limbs provide a Non Verbal Re Enactment of what's
just happened In The Wings--so to speak--these wonderfully
amusing Cameos become Important, both to the Narrative
& to the General Fake Italian Renaissance Ambiance…
While I much admire
the Scenic Conceits of David M. Barber, I'm in even
greater Admiration of the Colorful & Stylish Costumes
of Susan Branche Towne.
This is a Shrew
that ought to Tour!
Just as Kent Thompson's
Dream deserved a Longer Life, even if On the
How about a Revival,
with Dream & Shrew in Rep?
Denver could even throw
in a Chronicle Play, like Henry V, plus The Scottish
•Obscenely Morbid
Obesity & On Line Teaching: Whale of a Dad Tries To Re Connect
Tom Alan Robbins
may not actually be playing Moby Dick, but he certainly
looks like a Great White Whale in Samuel D.
Hunter's Whale of a Play…
Last February, even
in a Play Reading, Cast Members were near tears
as the Dying Charlie tried to reconcile himself with his
long unseen & determinedly difficult Daughter, Ellie
[Nicole Rodenburg].
This time round--in
a fully staged production--Robbins faced an even more difficult
Reconciliation, for he was playing Charlie in a fat, fat,
Fat Suit: One Hundred Pounds of Foamy Padding,
complete with 12 Pockets for Ice Packs to cool the
Thespian Body.
Although Charlie was
once Married & had sired a Child, along
the way, he discovered that he was Gay, abandoning an Angry
Wife & Tiny Daughter for a Lover who has,
long since, died of The Plague.
The Lover's Sister,
Liz the Nurse [Angela Reed], now tries to keep Charlie
alive, against all odds, especially the Oddball Charlie.
Since his Epic Loss,
an already zaftig Charlie has grown immensely Fat,
almost unable to move.
He supports himself
by correcting On Line English Comp Essays.
This doesn't seem to
be as Learning Effective as Proponents of Virtual
Schooling--such as 43's Brothers, Jeb & Marvin
Bush--would have you believe.
In addition to the Angry
Ex Wife & the Take No Hostages Daughter, there's
also a feckless young Unfrocked Mormon Missionary in the
madly disjointed Emotional Mix.
Cory Michael Smith
is strangely appealing & compassionate as an
Outcast LDS, who still longs to help someone. His Elder
Thomas wouldn't be out of place in The Book of Mormon:
the Musical, not the actual Joseph Smith Revelation.
Even Mitt Romney
could be moved by The Whale, if not by the Plight
of a Dog Strapped to the Roof of the Romney Family Car.
If a Devout Latter
Day Saint must Tithe a Biblical Tenth of his/her
Annual Income, could Charlie tithe a Tenth of His
Misery to the Church of Moroni's Golden Plates?
Unfortunately, NO…
Hal Brooks staged.
The Whale will
soon be seen in Manhattan, on Theatre Row.
•A SoCal Poolside
Seder: Bitter Herbs for Israeli Passionate American
Jews & an LA Muslim.
One of the Problems
of staging a play that largely takes place around a long table--with
a number of Place Settings--is how to permit the Audience
to see the Facial Expressions of all the Characters, especially
if some have their backs to the Viewers.
Last February, when
Lisa Loomer's provocative play, Two Things You
Don't Talk About at Dinner, was aired in a Play Summit
Reading, this was not a Problem, as all the Players
were more of less In Line at their respective Music
So, this Script
seemed a Natural for New York Audiences: especially
those who can Never Get Enough of Holocaust Drama
& the Triumph of Israel, the Only Democracy &
America's Only Ally in the Middle East.
Loomer's drama--which
has as its Basic Contention the Potential Rift between
two Very Old Friends, one an Israel Committed Liberal
Los Angeleno Jewess [Mimi Lieber] & an Americanized
Arab [Nasser Faris], who knows what it is to have
been dispossessed by Post Holocaust Zionists.
His Parents were
Palestinians who had to leave Haifa for Lebanon,
to escape the encroachments of the Newly Developing State
of Israel…
This--even in the original
Play Reading--recalled another Politically Charged Dinner
Table Drama: Omnium Gatherum, co authored by Theresa
Rebeck, a New Play Summit Veteran, who, nonetheless,
had O G produced at the Humana Festival in Louisville,
by Actors Theatre.
In Rebeck's Fantasy
Dinner, Loomer's Lebanese was, instead, speaking in
the Fictive Person of, say, an Edward Saïd.
Rather like Bernard
Shaw's Don Juan in Hell, with Semitic Cousins
contesting Historical Rights.
Of course, the Other
Thing you do not discuss at Dinner is Politics.
Or is it Religion?
Or is Israel such a Convoluted Problem that it is
both a Religious & a Political No
Of course, Loomer cannot
be accused of imitating Rebeck, as she has enriched
her Dialogues of the Non Carmelites with a Female
Fundamentalist Protestant Fanatic who passionately believes
that only She--not her Jewish Friends--is
going to Heaven.
Her Spiritual Problems
are complicated by a lumpy, dumpy Son, who has decided
to Rebel by aping the Suras or the Aphorisms
of The Buddha.
Then there's an angry
Orthodox Auschwitz Rememberer, who has married a Japanese,
who has Converted…
But there's also a loud,
out of control Hollywood type Anti Jew, with both an Alcohol
& a Foul Mouth Problem. His Daughter is a Bulemic
Pot Head.
Or did the Pot
come from the Buddha Lover?
So complicated
a People Mix. So little time to sort them all out…
But there were--as far
as I could understand the various Conversations & Rants--No
Mormons on board!
For those in the Audience
who had never experienced a Traditional Seder, Playwright
Loomer & Stage Director Wendy C. Goldberg put us all
through the Paces.
But no Bitter Herbs
for the Spectators, unless they found the play on stage a bit
In a Reading,
having a number of Dinner Guests is not a Visual Problem.
In an Actual Production--especially
with so many Goblets, Plates, Cutlery, Wines, & Foods--some
of the Character Confrontations & Dialogic Dissertations
can, unfortunately, Get Lost in the Shuffle…
There's also the Problem--not
present in an in line Reading--of characters silently
interacting in other areas of the stage, while arguments are
percolating at the Seder Table.
This year, in Brentwood!
Next year, in Occupied Gaza?
Actually, Loomer's Title
is a bit misleading. When Questions about Israel
arise, Politics & Religion automatically become One
Thing, not Two.
But Loomer does not
shy away from dealing with Essential Issues.
When Palestinian
Arabs are denounced as Terrorists, the Terrorist
Tactics of the Stern Gang & the Irgun zvei
Leumi in establishing the State of Israel are also
cited. Notably, the Massacre of Deir Yassin…
Also, the fact that
Israel has many more Atomic Warheads than Iran can even
dream of.
When & if Two
Things comes to Manhattan--not to mention a Theatre Near
You--choosing the Right Venue is of Prime Importance.
The Audience needs to
see who is talking, when they are talking. Not easy,
with a dozen or so people seated around a Table…
This really killed Omnium
Gatherum in New York, where it was produced on the tiny stage
of the Now Vanished but Once Landmarked Variety
Photo Plays Theatre.
In Louisville, it was
staged so that the Audience looked down on the Table,
the Characters, & the Action--such as it was--whereas,
in New York, the Table could hardly fit on the small stage.
Most of the time, the
also small Audience was looking at the Backs of
the Characters…
So, how will Two
Things fare in New York City?
If you cannot talk about
Politics & Religion, what is there left
to discuss anymore?
Reality TV? The
Kim Kardashian Nuptials: Till Death Do Us Part?
School Vouchers?
Gay Marriages,
followed by Caesarean Section Abortions?
Why doesn't Someone
write a Play about the current Discussion Topic
Epic Drought?
Guess Who's Coming
To Dinner & What They'll Be Talking About…
•No Comment Denver
Summit Play Readings: Fully Staged Productions Next Year?
Although it is sinfully
tempting to share some Insights into the 5 New Scripts
that were given polished Readings at the Denver Summit,
all Critics were repeatedly reminded that Commentary
was entirely Off Limits…
This saved Your Roving
Arts Reporter from having to make a show of Jotting
Down trenchant Notes.
But some Colleagues
were frantically scribbling, as though their Presses--far
beyond the Mighty Rockies--had been stopped, awaiting
late breaking Drama News!
So I must apologize
for praising The Whale & Two Things last year,
solely on the basis of Readings.
Nonetheless, for the
Record, here are the Shows that were Read
this past month, looking forward, hopefully, to a possible Full
Richard Dresser's
Hand of God--Talk about Kim Whatshername! Planning
a TV Reality Show isn't quite the same as actually being
in one…
Lisa Loomer's
Homefree--As some of this 99% Teen Age Young Adult
Tsuris is set in Ashland, OR, it seems a Natural
for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to present as a Fully
Staged New American Play!
Lauren Feldman's
Grace, or The Art of Climbing--Didn't James Franco
have to cut off his Leg in that Mountain Climbing Movie?
This time, it's a Girl who climbs…
Michael Metnick's
Ed, Downloaded--Steve Jobs would have loved
this one: Will there be iPad Apps so you can see this show
On Line? This Concept--if not the Actual Script--has
Franchise Potential!
Jeffrey Haddow
[Book & Lyrics] & Neal Hampton's [Score]
Sense & Sensibility: The Musical--Hey! Who knew
that Jane Austen could sing? Or has there already
been a Pride & Prejudice Musical that I missed?
This Staged Reading
was almost as good as a Fully Staged Broadway Production!
Look for it Next
Year in the Rockies!
Followed, later, by
a handsomely designed All Singing, All Dancing, All Emoting
Production at one of those Broadway Shubert Theatres
everyone is always talking about…
•Accidental Theatre
in the Occident: Colorado's Very Own Garden & Home
If Colorado Home
Foreclosures continue, Denver can put the resultant Homeless
in the Cavernous Colorado Convention Center!
This is an Immense
Space, but Developers, Equipment Purveyors,
& Interior & Exterior Decorators: Landscapers
& Furnishers filled it during the New Play Summit, to
the immense advantage of Fixer Uppers & Potential
Home Buyers.
Among the Goods &
Services were Custom Made Bird Houses, Salt Candles, Instant
Salsa Makers, Thermal Windows with tiny Pet Doors,
Fake Waterfalls, Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, &
Pool Tables with colorful Floral Decorations…
Either Life in Denver
is epically stressful, or it's so exhausting racing
around the Convention Center--trying to see all the Booths
& all the Products--that there were a number of Stress
Relief Areas, where one could get Massages from Human
Hands or from Machine Infested Upholstery…
Perhaps Theatre Critics
live on Another Planet?
Although Your Arts Reporter
was eager to discover what Denver had to offer the First
Time Home Owner--no Mortgage Mavens seemed to be on
hand--Fellow Critics preferred to drink Lattes at
the Denver Theatre Center…
So they missed the Thrill
of seeing real "Plantation Shutters" on display. Vivien
Leigh would have loved them at Tara…
This Garden &
Home Manifestation was the 53rd Incarnation
of this annual show. Next Year? In Jerusalem?
This Festival's
Rational Ratings--
Chris Marlowe's,
Bill Shakespeare's, or Anonymous' THE TAMING OF THE SHREW
Samuel D. Hunter's
THE WHALE [★★★★]
Lisa Loomer's TWO
Arts Rambles News
& Notes:
The Up Coming
Seawell Centennial!
Once again, it's time
to Salute Donald Seawell, Denver Center Board Chairman
Emeritus, who will be 100 Years Old this coming August!
Not only did Don have
a Distinguished Career in the Broadway Theatre--before
he came out to Denver to save the Denver Post & enable
the Theatrical Ambitions of Helen Bonfils, for whom
the Denver Center Complex is named--but he also was a Prime
Mover in the Development of Performing Arts in Denver.
He was once very happily
married to the late but entirely wonderful actress, Eugenia
For whom the Eugenia
Room at Sardi's is named. There is, of course, also
a Eugenia Room in the Denver Center, as well as a handsome
Greetings & Salutations
are also in order for the dynamic & glamorous Judi Wolf,
who ensures that Don Seawell is able to savor & participate
in all the activities & presentations of the Denver Center.
There will soon be On
Line a Video Interview I did with Don about his work in
both New York & Denver Theatre.
At 83, I am Old Enough
to know some of the Now Vanished Players & Producers
with whom he once worked.
But Don Seawell is still
a Board Member of Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company,
founded decades ago by Peter Brook, Peter Hall,
& Michel St Denis…
No Conservators
for the Denver Center Acting Conservatory!
What is, however, Bad
News is that the remarkable Conservatory for training
young actors must close down after this season.
None of the Necessary
Funding or Endowment Foundations have been forthcoming
in these Desperate Times, when the Rich Get Richer,
but do not donate to the Conservatory Cause…
Venue Rich Denver
Hosts The Road!
Not only is there a
variety of Stages & Audience Conformations in the Denver
Center--The Jones, The
Ricketson, The
Space, & The Stage Theatre--but, under the Great
Glass Canopy that links them to the older Performance Venues
such as the "Ellie" Opera house, the Temple Hoyne Buell
Theatre, the Concert Hall, & a charming Cabaret
Space, the Garner Galleria, each Denver Season can boast
of Major Touring Shows.
How about Hair, West
Side Story, American Idiot, Wicked, The Addams Family, Memphis,
Jersey Boys, The Lion King, Les Mis, & the seemingly
ageless George Hamilton in La Cage? [What his Dorian
Grey Portrait in the Attic must now look like…]
Getting High in
Mile High Denver!
For many years, when
the Capital of Colorado was mentioned on the Radio,
it was always identified as "The Mile High City!"
Way back in the Golden
Years of the Great Depression, no one had Any Idea
that one day there would be such a thing as Medical Marijuana.
Such Educational
Films as Reefer Madness showed all Right Thinking,
God Fearing, 100 Percent Americans that Smoking Pot
could easily Destroy Your Life!
Of course, Smoking
Camels, Lucky Strikes, or even Chesterfields
could also kill you with Lung Cancer. But who knew…
[The Hokey Joke
used to be: Smoking all that Chesterfield Upholstery would
be Bad for Your Health.]
Now, however, Denver
appears to be a World Capital of Pain Relief!
There are some 50
Eager Ads in Westword--a Rocky Mountain Village
Voice--for Medicinal Marijuana!
At the Emergency
Room, you can get a Walk In "Evaluation" by a "Licensed
MD" for $59. But, if you mention the Westword Ad,
it's only $55!
Cash Only.
But they are on Facebook,
for those of you who cannot fly out to Denver on the Spur of
the Moment.
Pot Smoking,
at least in Denver--is also Ergonomic!
How about: "Daily Deals
just got GREENER"?
Then there's the Grow
Depot, "Where Your Dreams Grow."
At the Medical Marijuana
Doctors, Evaluations & Renewals are eagerly
provided: "Get your paperwork done right the first time!"
If you do not believe
Your Roving Arts Reporter, check out:…
Of course, what would
the wild Wild West be without Pioneer Resourcefulness?
Grow Your Own!
You can get "All Your
Hydroponic Indoor Growing Supplies" at Nick's Garden Center
& Farm Market.
Nick may have
had a Booth at the 53rd Annual Colorado Garden
& Home Show, but I missed it…
So I chilled out
with an Iced Sprite.
of Glenn Loney in header is by Sam Norkin.
© Glenn Loney 20012. No re-publication or broadcast use without
proper credit of authorship. Suggested credit line: "Glenn
Loney Arts Rambles." Reproduction rights please contact:
Loney's Show Notes
Loney's Museum Notes